Author: Roberto

We are glad to announce that the partnership between Dsc Solutions, an environmental consultancy company on innovative technologies to transform waste into energy, and Tonini Finance Ltd, a London consultancy company, which works with institutional and private clients, has been formalized. Tonini finance is a...

  We are pleased to announce the new collaboration between Dsc Solutions, an environmental consultancy company on innovative technologies to transform waste into energy, and the Marazzato Group, one of national leader company , which has been managing for almost 70 years manage, disposes and recovers...

  Reduction in the volume and mass of solid waste is a crucial issue especially in the light of limited availability of final disposal sites in many parts of the world. Millions of tonnes of waste are generated each year with the vast majority disposed of...

  The 2020 will be a year remembered for the highest consumption of packaging material and waste. With the increasing spread and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic development and health outcomes, there is an urgent global call for waste management from households, medical facilities and...